When talking about luxury fashion accessories, among those many brands, Dior bags stand out as a symbol of rich, refined, and elegant fashion items, attracting numerous fashion lovers. If you are interested in getting yourself a bag by Dior Singapore, you should be able to tell the difference between real and replica bags for you to get the right one.
Leather Quality
Most Dior bags are made from soft and smooth leather that gives the hand the feel of natural material. Still, if the leather seems to be too hard, shiny, or in any way plastic-like, then a product is most likely a fake one.
Check the Logo and Font
A way of identifying a fake Dior bag is by looking at the logo and the type of font used. Any deviation from the standard branding that Dior is well known for should therefore be a cause for concern.
What to look for
Font Style
Dior also uses nice, neat, and proportionally balanced letters and numbers on the tag of original products.
Letter Alignment
The letters in the logo should be straight and of equal distance from each other. If the logo is misaligned or crooked, then it is most likely fake.
Examine the Stitching
The stitching of Dior bags is superb. The workmanship is very neat implying that there was no loose thread left or even a wrong stitch done.
What to look for
Original Dior bags have straight and neat stitches without any unevenness.
Thread Quality
The used thread in real Dior bags is not only of good quality but the stitches on the bags are neat and precise.
Inspect the Materials
The bags that Dior produces are made from leather, canvas, and other quality materials. Original Dior bags are made of high-quality material and possess a quality feel while fake bags are made of inferior material.
Check the Hardware
One of the most obvious signs of a fake Dior bag is the hardware that is used on the bag. This is also true for the zippers, clasps, and functional and decorative pieces which are made of fine metals and polished nicely.
What to look for
Weight and Finish
The original Dior logo is made of metal, and it is thick, heavy, and has a polished surface. It should be smooth, and shiny and it should not have any sign of paint fading, chipping, or any rough surface.
Engraving and Logos
Look for the logos or engravings of the name Dior on the hardware. Fake bags usually have weak engravings of logos or even lack logos altogether. Typically, the engravings that come on genuine bags are very neat, clear, and uniform.
Check the Serial Number and Authenticity Card
Every original Dior bag has a serial number and an authenticity card that will help to confirm the bag’s originality. This serial number is usually found inside the bag, in the layer, or on a leather label.
What to look for
Serial Number Placement
Ensure that the serial number is placed correctly and is in the appropriate place as printed by Dior company.
Authenticity Card
Original Dior bags have an authenticity card that has the same serial number as the one found inside the bag. If you do not find this card inside the bag or the serial number, the bag is fake.
It is possible to distinguish a fake bag with the help of the most important logo, stitching, material, hardware, lining, and serial number. Always make sure that you are getting your Dior bag from the right store and always ensure that the bag you are purchasing is original.