Time To Cook Baby Back Ribs On A Pellet Grill

Cooking baby back ribs on a pellet grill is an art that combines the simplicity of grilling with the deep, smoky flavor typical of slow-cooked barbecue. Pellet grills have gained popularity for their ability to maintain consistent temperatures and impart a rich, smoky flavor, making them ideal for cooking ribs. This guide will walk you through the steps to achieve perfectly cooked baby back ribs on a pellet grill.

What is Pellet Grills?

Before diving into the cooking process, it’s important to understand what makes pellet grills unique. Pellet grills use wood pellets for fuel, which are automatically fed into a firebox to maintain the desired cooking temperature. This allows for precise temperature control, which is crucial for cooking ribs.

Choosing Your Ribs

Selecting the right ribs is the first step. Baby back ribs, known for their tenderness and flavor, are the perfect choice for pellet grilling. Look for ribs with a good meat-to-bone ratio and avoid those that are too fatty.

Preparing the Ribs

Removing the Membrane

Start by removing the membrane on the underside of the ribs. This thin layer can prevent smoke and seasoning from penetrating the meat. Simply slide a knife under the membrane and peel it off.


Next, season your ribs. A simple rub of salt, pepper, and your favorite barbecue spices will do. Apply the rub evenly on both sides of the ribs.

Preheating the Pellet Grill

Preheat your pellet grill to 225°F (107°C), the ideal temperature for slow-cooking ribs. This low temperature allows the meat to cook slowly, becoming tender and absorbing the smoky flavor from the pellets.

Cooking the Ribs

Place your ribs on the grill, meat-side up. Close the lid and let them cook undisturbed for about 3 hours. This slow cooking process is key to achieving tender, flavorful ribs.

Wrapping the Ribs

After 3 hours, it’s time to wrap the ribs. Wrapping them in aluminum foil with a bit of liquid (like apple juice or beer) helps to tenderize the meat. Place the wrapped ribs back on the grill for another 2 hours.

The Final Unwrap and Sauce

After 2 hours, unwrap the ribs and discard the foil. This is the time to add your favorite barbecue sauce if you like your ribs saucy. Brush the sauce over the ribs and place them back on the grill for an additional hour.

Testing for Doneness

The ribs are done when the meat easily pulls away from the bone. A good test is to pick up the ribs with tongs; if they bend easily and the meat cracks, they’re ready.

Resting the Ribs

Once the ribs are cooked, let them rest for about 10-15 minutes before cutting. This rest period allows the juices to redistribute, making the ribs even more succulent.


Slice the ribs between the bones and serve. Ribs cooked on a pellet grill don’t need much embellishment, but feel free to serve them with extra barbecue sauce, coleslaw, and cornbread for a traditional barbecue feast.


Cooking baby back ribs on a pellet grill may require patience, but the result is well worth the wait. The key is maintaining a consistently low temperature and allowing the ribs to slowly imbibe the smoky flavor.

Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned grill master, following these steps will help you achieve perfectly cooked baby back ribs that are sure to impress. Happy grilling!